Sepulcher of the First Ones
Sepulcher of the First Ones is a new eleven boss raid. Defeat the jailer, save the cheerleader Anduin, save the world. Blizzard are trying a staggered release with this one and only the first eight bosses will be available during heroic week (starting 1 March on NA realms) with the final three fights unlocking the week after with the Mythic difficulty.
Sepulcher of the First Ones
The last three bosses weren’t available to test on the PTR and the guides for them will release a little later.
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Useful information
- Sepulcher is not a linear raid and you have some choices over which bosses you take on when.
- Vigilant Guardian can be followed by Artificer, Dausegne or Skolex.
- Defeating Skolex and Artificer unlocks Halondrus.
- Defeating Dausegne unlocks Prototype Pantheon who unlocks Lihuvim.
- Beating both Halondrus and Lihuvim unlocks Anduin.
- We’ll add a recommended kill order once the raid is live.
- Key consumables
- Flasks
- Food buffs
- Potions (There’s a new healing potion in Cosmic Healing Potion)
- Augment Runes (there’s a permanent Augment Rune this patch but it requires exalted with the new rep so won’t be available right away)
- Sepulcher Vantus Runes (usually provided by your guild)
- Tome of the Still Mind (for when you took Lifecycles as a joke and the tank is pulling in 15 seconds).
- QE Live will be updated for 9.2 the day the patch goes live, for all of your healer gearing needs including Top Gear, trinket graphs and more.