The War Within Mistweaver Guide
Hi everyone. My name is Sweggles, I am a multi rank 1 Mistweaver Monk and I raid in the guild Instant Dollars. Because I have an unhealthy obsession with Mistweaver Monk I’ve made a guide to make sure that the community always has the best and most up-to-date information possible in the War Within. This guide is for those who wish to maximize their performance in raid encounters. It’s up to date with patch 11.0 and will be updated through the expansion.
What’s changing going into The War Within?
There have been a ton of changes and I’m not going to go over everything but here are some of the most significant:
- Vivify’s direct healing has been increased by 56%.
- Gust of Mist has gotten a massive buff to its scaling per point as well as its healing.
- Clouded Focus has been removed.
- Teachings of the Monastery is now baseline.
- Mana Tea and mana costs overall have been adjusted to compensate for the removal of Clouded Focus.
- Misty Peaks now extends existing Enveloping Mists instead of not being able to proc at all.
- Zen Pulse was reworked. It now amplifies Invigorating Mists’ healing.
- New talent: Crane Style.
- Jade Bond was buffed heavily for both Chi-Ji and Yu’lon.
- Hero talents were added.
Here is the full rundown of the notes if you want to read everything:
11.0.5 Changes
- New Talent: Rushing Wind Kick. We’ll discuss this below.
- Ancient Teachings is now a baseline passive at a 30% conversion rate which can be increased with the new talent Jadefire Teachings to 160%.
Hero Talents: How they work and what they do
The War Within adds two “Hero Trees” for Mistweaver Monk: Conduit of the Celestials and Master of Harmony. Master of Harmony is currently tuned very poorly and it is very buggy/boring to play with so I will not really be talking about it since it’s just not competitive at all. Conduit of the Celestials is going to be our premier hero talent choice. I will give a short introduction to each of the notable talents and how to play around with them in raid.
Celestial Conduit
The Keystone ability is Celestial Conduit which is a very strong AoE heal/damage pulsing 90 second cooldown that does not have much synergy with the rest of the kit but does provide a lot of HPS for a 90 second cooldown. I recommend pairing Celestial Conduit with Shaohao’s Lessons if you have it talented or with your Secret Infusion buff to maximize the amount of HPS it does in the short window. It is a channeled spell similar to how Essence Font functioned in the past. You can move with it but you can also cancel it with other effects so be wary of accidentally canceling early.
Courage of the White Tiger / Strength of the Black Ox
Courage of the White Tiger and Strength of the Black Ox is where a majority of the power of CotC (Conduit of the Celestials) comes from. Courage passively procs as you do your normal rotation so we will be focusing on Strength of the Black Ox since it’ll impact our rotation. Strength of the Black Ox allows for your Enveloping Mist to be cast 50% quicker and grants small absorb shields to nearby allies based on your maximum HP. Due to Courage randomly proccing throughout a fight we will be weaving these reduced Enveloping Mist casts into our rotation. We’ll talk about that more in the Rotation section further down the page.
Flight of the Red Crane
Flight of the Red Crane is a passive small heal that exists to grant a stack of Mana Tea and to give us a 2% haste buff with Inner Compass. It really is not that impactful but is a nice small increase.
Heart of the Jade Serpent
Heart of the Jade Serpent gives us cooldown reduction on a number of abilities when we consume 10 stacks of Sheilun’s Gift. The amount of stacks increases to 20 when Veil of Pride is talented. This buff is relatively low impact compared to some of the others but it does get amplified by the next talent which makes it something you want to play around.
Unity Within
Pairing with Celestial Conduit, Unity Within grants you all 4 aforementioned talents’ effects at 200% effectiveness. Currently, this does not grant additional stacks of Mana Tea from Flight of the Red Crane but it does increase the CDR from Heart enough to make it something we want to play around. Explained more in the Rotation section of the guide.
Inner Compass
Inner Compass grants a stat buff according to whichever celestial last helped you. It does not grant all 4 buffs during your Celestial Conduit window. Unity Within ignores Inner Compass entirely.
Talent Builds
Many talents have been changed slightly or reworked entirely coming into The War Within. We will be looking at the biggest impact ones and giving a build, then we’ll look at our rotation.
Build Links:
- Build above. Recommended if timers are good for Jade Bond:
- Similar build but with Gift of the Celestial:
- Healing Elixir / Uplifted Spirits:
Key Talents
Crane Style
Crane Style is a hugely important talent that synergizes extremely well with the buffs to our mastery and to Jade Bond. It is essential for getting enough CDR to push Celestial with Jade Bond down to a 2 minute CD.
Zen Pulse
Zen Pulse has been reworked entirely from an active button to a passive effect that amplifies the healing that your Vivify and Invigorating Mists cleave does which is increased by the number of Renewing Mists you currently have active when pressing Vivify. Zen Pulse can stack up twice and it helps fix the square root scaling issue that Invigorating Mists has. The proc rate of this talent is extremely low on its own however, you can forcibly proc it using Thunder Focus Tea because of Deep Clarity. The Deep Clarity’s proc activates once you consume your Thunder Focus Tea buff.
Chi Harmony
Chi Harmony makes a return with a bit of a twist; it can no longer spread your Renewing Mists applied to the target for the duration of the Chi Harmony healing increase buff. This ends up being a blessing in disguise because it amplifies our spot healing by quite a bit. This talent shares a choice node with Lotus Infusion which is currently just weaker than Chi Harmony so it is not played.
Pool of Mists
Pool of Mists makes a return from Warlords of Draenor. This talent helps to solve issues with RSK not resetting for Rising Mists making it a bit more consistent as well as adding more average Renewing Mist out through the CDR and the extra charge. It is a solid talent choice that took the spot of Clouded Focus on the choice node with Peer into Peace.
Jade Bond
Jade Bond was buffed heavily which pushed it back into the spotlight for us if the right conditions are met. It is important to note that this guide is for those who want to min-max their gameplay as much as possible so the recommendation to play Jade Bond is under the assumption that you can get your Celestial down to a 2 minute cooldown. If you cannot get enough CDR to make your Celestial line up with 2 minute timers on a fight then it should not be played. Is it a major loss not playing Jade Bond? No, not really but it is still a loss if you do end up playing Gift when compared to min-maxed Jade Bond. TLDR: If you cannot hit a 2 minute Celestial then I recommend just playing Gift.
Mending Proliferation
Previously an unused talent has suddenly become very good due to a number of factors. This will be expanded on when talking about our tierset later.
Rising Mist
Welcome back the Lebron James of Mistweaver talents.
Rushing Wind Kick
Rushing Wind Kick is a new talent that was added in 11.0.5 which replaces Rising Sun Kick with a ranged alternative that does significantly more damage and provides a buff to your Renewing Mist which increases the healing it does by 100% for 4 seconds. This talent interacts with all things that Rising Sun Kick would interact with and it will proc Rising Mists and Rapid Diffusion whether you hit a target or not.
Special Mentions
Shaohao’s Lessons fell behind comparatively to the other competitive talents so for now it remains unplayed. You still want to talent into Sheilun’s Gift to utilize the CDR component of CotC through Heart of the Jade Serpent. You would just use Sheilun’s Gift as a normal heal.
Misty Peaks which has been changed to extend existing Enveloping Mists by 2 seconds. This has really good synergy with our tierset and with Mending Proliferation.
Lifecycles has perfect synergy with the playstyle of this build. It allows for a lot of extra Mana Tea stacks to be generated.
Invoker’s Delight has caught a nerf coming into The War Within but is still a mandatory talent for this build. The haste granted has gone from 33% to 20% but as said before it is still extremely good.
Uplifted Spirits (optional) replaces Dancing Mists if the fight has good timers for a 2 minute Revival and if you get enough CDR to push Revival to sub 2 minutes. Not in the default build.
Healing Elixir got a bit of a change and is something that you can take if you feel like you really need the healing however, I do not recommend you play it just because Mistweaver is already extremely tanky as is. If you were to end up playing this I would recommend dropping Dancing Mists for it, if you have already dropped Dancing Mists then you can drop Chrysalis.
Tear of Morning was nerfed quite a bit by the removal of Clouded Focus as well as the direct nerfs it received to forcibly push it out of the meta. It can be played but I do not recommend you play it if you wish to do the max amount of HPS.
This is going to be contradictory to what I have said before but technically this playstyle is the highest HPS due to how much extra mana we have and how strong Soothing Mist is. However, the issue with this playstyle is that it is extremely unforgiving with forced movement mechanics which this upcoming raid has a lot of. I would recommend that you do not play these talents but if you do end up doing it you can DM me directly on Discord or ask me on my stream about minmaxing this playstyle.
This playstyle is fun and with the buffs to mastery it can definitely be good for normal/heroic clears if you want to turn your brain off but it is not competitive in mythic with other builds unfortunately. Ancient Teachings appears tuned around Mythic+ which leaves it on the weak side for raid.
With the buffs to Mastery, all stats are fairly good for us now. Haste does pull ahead as #1. I recommend going: Intellect > Haste > Crit > Vers > Mastery but you shouldn’t drop any item level for specific secondaries.
We’ll go through our rotation in subsections to make it easier to process but let’s start with our new tier set:
- 2pc: Renewing Mists and Enveloping Mists healing increased by 10%.
- 4pc: Vivify’s primary heal extends the duration of Renewing Mist and Enveloping Mist on the target by 3 seconds. (No synergy with Rising Mist but does have synergy with Mending Proliferation.)
Rising Mists
Rising Mists is back, and with it an entire rotation change from how we were playing in 10.2. A lot of newer Mistweavers have never played Rising Mist before so I’ll explain a bit about how it works and how to maximize its effectiveness. Smart Rising Mist play is essential.
When Rising Mist is talented, Rising Sun Kick / Rising Wind Kick becomes one of the highest priority abilities in the kit because it extends our Renewing Mists and our Enveloping Mists. A lot of our talents rely on these two abilities in order to do their healing which means that whenever Rising Sun Kick / Rising Wind Kick is off cooldown you need to press it. My biggest insider tip for making sure that you are pressing RSK off cooldown and playing the rotation well is to look at your cast timeline on logs and make sure that regardless of where you scroll on the timeline you will always be able to see RSK.
Cast Priority List
- Vivify to keep someone alive who is in immediate danger and will die without your intervention
- Revival/Restoral when it is needed or assigned
- Renewing Mist if you are at 3 charges (2 without Pool of Mists)
- Rising Sun Kick / Rising Wind Kick
- Thunder Focus Tea (Renewing Mist)
- Enveloping Mist with a Strength proc
- Vivify when it makes sense to heal someone
- Tiger Palm if you have nothing else going on
Incorporating Mana Tea
Mana Tea has gotten some buffs to compensate for the removal of Clouded Focus. These buffs make the mana restore portion of the ability significantly stronger than before which means we have a lot more mana to play around with. Your highest priority with Mana Tea is making sure you never miss out on stacks by sitting at 20 charges without using them. You need to find time to drink between your abilities and I recommend you “tap” Mana Tea before some of the more costly abilities to maximize the reduction portion of the ability. Anytime you want to press your Celestial you should tap Mana Tea. If you ever have a Strength proc and you wish to utilize it and you are outside of your Celestial you should tap Mana Tea before you cast that Enveloping Mist. If you know that you are going to be spamming Vivify soon because there is a major damage event then you should channel Mana Tea beforehand.
Mana Tea also has an interaction with Misty Peaks which allows you to sometimes instantly cast Enveloping Mist during the channel of your Mana Tea. You can mess around with this a bit but the basic idea is that you get a proc of Misty Peaks then you channel Mana Tea then you press Enveloping Mist during the channel of Mana Tea and it should not cancel it. This can be useful for applying Enveloping Mist to someone who is taking a lot of damage or is about to be while you are still drinking Mana Tea.
TLDR: if you are going to spend a lot of mana > channel Mana Tea beforehand.
This is what tapping Mana Tea looks like:
Here we spend a single global cooldown channeling Mana Tea and then cancel our channel with another ability.
Celestial Rotation
During either Celestial, you will get a guaranteed proc of Strength of the Black Ox from your first Vivify or Tiger Palm cast. Keep this in mind especially when you are playing Gift of the Celestials.
Jade Bond: My best explanation for this one is to play it by ear as there is not a set rotation that will net you the most amount of HPS possible. Due to the duration of your Celestial with Jade Bond it becomes inefficient to spam Enveloping Mist repeatedly. To remedy this we want to improvise our rotation a bit depending on the needs of the raid at the time.
Enveloping Mist: Should be pressed 3-4 times at the beginning of the Celestial and then used whenever there is impending damage or smaller ticking damage as a way to set up Renewing Mists, spread Enveloping Breaths, and to create Mending Proliferation buffs. This is not your primary form of healing during your Celestial so you should not be spamming Enveloping Mist repeatedly the entire time.
Vivify: Your main healing ability during your Celestial to maximize your chance of proccing Courage as well as to extend your Enveloping Mists with your four set bonus. You should also have Zen Pulse procs either naturally or from Thunder Focus Tea that should be used when it makes sense. Vivify is your primary healing ability in your Celestial and your rotation in general and it gets a lot of value at this time because of the increased Renewing Mist count and the spread of the Enveloping Mist healing bonus. If there is suddenly a big burst of damage and you need to spam out healing to top the raid off quickly then you want to spam Vivify to do so.
Renewing Mists: If you are about to cap at three stacks then you should press Renewing Mist. If you have Thunder Focus Tea up during your Celestial then you press TFT with Renewing Mist.
Rising Sun Kick / Rising Wind Kick: Press on CD.
Gift of the Celestials: Bread and butter that everyone has gotten used to over the course of Dragonflight.
Renewing Mist > Rising Sun Kick / Rising Wind Kick > Mana Tea > Yu’lon > Enveloping Mists 3-4 times > Vivify ONCE > Enveloping Mist to consume the Strength proc > Vivify spam until RSK comes off CD > Vivify spam again
If you ever get another Strength proc during your Vivify spam you can cast Enveloping Mists again to make sure not to overlap stacks.
Outside of your Celestial
Following the priority spell list you should have a lot of free time between your Rising Sun Kick / Rising Wind Kick and Renewing Mist casts which means that you can spam Vivify as much as your mana bar can take. Obviously, you are not wanting to spam Vivify when there is no damage but you should be aggressive with how often you are casting it. You are trying to play the role of a reactionary spot healer similar to how a Holy Paladin would play. You should also be paying attention to whom you have cast Enveloping Mist on or whoever has a Misty Peaks proc if you can react quickly enough. It is important that you track Enveloping Mist on players because you want to be casting Vivify onto these targets as much as possible because of our four set bonus and how it synergizes with the rest of our kit. You also need to have a solid CPM on Vivify to ensure that you are getting enough CDR on your Celestial with Jade Bond (if you have it talented).
This is the ideal breakdown of casts that you are aiming for with this build. I know it looks extreme because Vivify is cast so often but this ensures that you are doing the most amount of HPS possible without sacrificing any other aspect of your rotation.
Sheilun’s Gift is going to be used as a strong heal whenever it makes the most sense to use it. It should not be something that is actively played around but more so as a better Vivify when it reaches high stacks. When you consume enough stacks you will proc your Heart of the Jade Serpent and without Unity Within this is not really that impactful so I do not really recommend even tracking it.
During downtime where there is no healing to be done you can simply just DPS while keeping up with your Renewing Mist and Rising Sun Kick / Rising Wind Kick casts however, you should always be anticipating incoming damage and be planning your GCDs accordingly.
Celestial Conduit
This ability should be treated like a serious healing cooldown. It does a significant amount of your HPS overall and it can be paired with other healing cooldowns to effectively solo mechanics. It is important to keep in mind that following your Celestial Conduit you are going to gain a significant amount of CDR on your Renewing Mist, Rising Sun Kick / Rising Wind Kick, Thunder Focus Tea, and Life Cocoon. All of these abilities should be utilized accordingly with the extra cooldown reduction.
Rapidfire Questions
How impactful is our tierset?
- If you are playing around it and actively utilizing the extension portion of it then it is roughly a 5% HPS increase overall.
Can I still play Tear of Morning and Soothing Mist?
- Definitely, although I do recommend you try out Rising Mist to see if you really enjoy it or not. I won’t be writing a guide for how to play around with Tear of Morning or Soothing Mist without Clouded Focus but you’re welcome to ask questions on them if you have any.
Is mastery good now?
- It’s improved significantly but not to the point where you’ll stack it.
Why is there not a section on Master of Harmony?
- It’s unplayable, buggy, undertuned, and unfun. They need to do a complete rework of the tree because it does nothing to alter the gameplay of the spec and feels horrible to use.
Why not Ancient Teachings?
- The build is already really talent-starved and Ancient Teachings takes 5 points to do less than 10% of your HPS. It just isn’t good enough, even post-buffs. Mistweaver just does not really do a lot of DPS at the moment so Ancient Teachings is suffering hard.
Is Mistweaver good?
- Yeah Mistweaver is very good if you are skilled at the spec. It is a blast to play as always so I will be playing it as much as I can even in the Race to World First.
Any plans for an M+ guide?
- Not at this time.
Final Notes
Due to how fast paced the rotation is it can sometimes seem daunting or like you have too many abilities to press and you may find yourself pressing the wrong buttons in the wrong order. My best tip for you in scenario like these is to just focus on pressing Renewing Mist and Vivify as much as possible. If you are out of range of the boss to be able to press Rising Sun Kick / Rising Wind Kick for a few seconds it isn’t the biggest deal in the world but it can be a major loss if you stand out for longer than the cooldown of a single RSK so try your best to be in melee as much as possible. As mentioned before, you only really press Tiger Palm or Blackout Kick during downtime or if you are really starved for mana which should never happen if you are playing optimally.
I briefly spoke about this a bit before but I wanted to circle back on how our healing style has changed coming into this expansion. You are going to see a lot of your healing coming from Vivify directly just due to how strong it is numerically. A lot of the focus of the spec has been moved away from Vivify cleaves and it has been put into priority single target healing which is honestly a very good thing for the spec. Square root scaling is a massive issue and I do think that focusing more on the single target aspect of the kit and putting more healing into stuff like Renewing Mist, Enveloping Mist, and Zen Pulse is the way to buff our AoE healing without making it too overpowered in raid.
Overall I am very happy with how Conduit of the Celestials and Mistweaver in general has come out for The War Within. I would like to see Master of Harmony get a full rework but beggars can’t be choosers and we have a really good thing going with Conduit.
I am available as a coach for Mistweaver Monk in The War Within. You can DM me directly on Discord: swegglesqt if you are interested. I no longer use Metafy so get in touch directly. I had a lot of fun writing this guide as always and I look forward to the upcoming expansion and to seeing how Mistweaver plays out. If you have any questions feel free to contact me on any of my following social medias:
Discord: swegglesqt
Twitch: swegglesQT
Twitter: sweggles1
Youtube: @sweggles7925
Huge thanks as always to the community for being supportive and a special thanks to Bad and Mumsy for their lovely help
Thanks for your great guide all alone the way.
I have a question here and I hope you can help me provide feedback to the Blizzard.
You see,the incoming changes metioned:
Master of Harmony: Coalescence now causes Aspect of Harmony to increase damage and healing taken by 30%.
Currently ,It is 10% for retail on the text,but it is not really working as described,it’s 0% in fact.I fear after next week the 30% change still be nothing,so would you please help me to bring this issue up?Make sure the Master of Harmony could be useful anyhow,
Thanks again!