Maw of Souls Mythic+ Guide
Instance Breakdown
Recommended Comp for high keys: Bring at least one or two low cooldown interrupts to make the Champions and Mistmenders easier. Your composition for Maw of Souls is otherwise pretty flexible. Melee get chewed on by some of the trash packs but you’ll bring them anyway for the interrupts.
Instance Timer: 24:00
Average # Mobs per pack: 2.8
[masterslider id=”9″]Trash ERT Note
Copy and paste this into the Exorsus Raid Tools Notes section. You can share it with your group.
|cffffff00Maw of Souls Trash Path|r
Pull through to Ymiron.
Don’t pull the eight pack of Slaves
{skull}|cff8788eeYmiron, the Fallen King|r{skull}
Pull Soulguards
Pull the Seacursed three pack to the right
Pull the Swiftblade pack to the left
Pull the Hounds
Pull the Mariner and triple dog patrols.
Pull Grimelord
Walk upstairs and clear double Champion pack
Pull champion on each side (together)
Pick the left or right side and clear it through to Skjal
Ymiron, the Fallen King
Ymiron, tank murderer
Dungeon Journal+
Dark Slash Single Target Shadow
Screams of the Dead AoE Debuff (Fear, Magic) Shadow ✔Dodgeable
Winds of Northrend AoE Frost ✔Avoidance
Bane Ground Effect Shadow ✔Dodgeable
Arise, Fallen Summon Effect
You should know
- When Arise, Fallen is cast, you’ll get one skeleton for every Bane globule still active. This means you can greatly reduce or even remove the skeletons by soaking these before the cast. They do deal very heavy damage so you’ll need an immunity like Divine Shield or Aspect of the Turtle to remove them efficiently. This is amazing on Necrotic weeks.
- Dark Slash is Shadow damage so you’ll want to use anti-magic defensive cooldowns to reduce its impact. Anti-magic shell, Spell Reflect and Empower Wards are all very effective as is anything that gives you more health. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your healer for an external cooldown if necessary. You can expect a Dark Slash every 30-45 seconds and it really hurts.
- The Skeleton adds cannot be slowed, stunned or knocked back so your tank will have to rely on personal mobility cooldowns to keep incoming damage low.
- You can get a pet to taunt (or a Moonkin to drop Force of Nature treants) a second before the Dark Slash and they’ll absorb the hit entirely.
What makes his scythe ‘cosmic’ anyway?
Dungeon Journal+
Cosmic Scythe AoE Arcane ✔Dodgeable
Nether Rip Ground Shadow ✔Dodgeable
Fragment Summon Effect Debuff (stun) Shadow
Void Snap (Shackled Servitor) AoE Shadow ✔Avoidance ✔Interruptable
You should know
- Nether Rip spawns under random players which means it’s controllable. You won’t really run out of room since it only lasts 30 seconds but avoid cutting off any escape paths or dropping it under the boss if possible.
- Fragment targets take very heavy damage and are stunned for a short time. Stack up near the boss so that the boss can be cleaved while you burn down the fragment adds. The fragment adds can be stunned and knocked back.
- Void Snap will ruin your life. It’s a long cast and needs to be interrupted 100% of the time.
- Cosmic Scythe is a little larger than the animation, just take a few steps back from the boss when he’s casting it. It also hits behind the boss, so don’t think you’re safe there.
Is it weird that her tentacles hit harder than she does?
Dungeon Journal+
Phase 1
Rapid Rupture (Destructor Tentacle) Single Target Physical Debuff (DoT)
Piercing Tentacle AoE (6 yards) Nature ✔Dodgeable
Taint of the Sea AoE Nature Debuff (Magic, DoT) ✔Dispellable
Turbulent Waters Ground Frost ✔Dodgeable
Brackwater Barrage AoE Frost ✔Dodgeable
Phase 2
Corrupted Below AoE Shadow ✔Dodgeable
Torrent AoE Frost ✔Interruptable
You should know
- The tank will need huge amounts of healing when contesting the Destructor Tentacles. They stack an awful bleed (Rapid Rupture) that’ll require healing even after the tentacle is dead. It’s ok to go into phase 2 with no tank / healing cooldowns so use all of them. The bleed can be removed with Blessing of Protection and if you have access to one you should use it.
- DPS need to focus Destructors whenever they’re up (Dotting / cleaving the Grasping Tentacles is a good idea).
- It’s ok to move out of melee range of the destructors if the tank needs to dodge the Brackwater Barrage. You can take 1-2 Smash without too much danger to your party, just make sure nobody else is in melee range.
- Helya will submerge every ~90 seconds during phase 2 and you’ll need to kill her within two phases most of the time to hit the timer. She stays submerged for about 20 seconds.
- You can heroism / bloodlust in either phase but I’d recommend doing so in phase 1 if you don’t trust your tank to stay alive and in phase 2 if you want to maximise DPS or will get an extra submerge if you don’t.